Ras Al Khaimah company setup: my experience

Ras Al Khaimah company setup: my experience Books written by Uri J. Nachimson

Looking to set up an offshore company? Discover the benefits of Ras Al Khaimah! This UAE location offers streamlined registration, tax benefits, confidentiality provisions, free flow of funds, skilled workforce, and world-class amenities. As a tax advisory company, we can help guide you through the process.
2023-04-16, by Uri J. Nachimson , Book author

#Incorporation || #UAE || #Legal advice ||

Table of contents:

Streamlined Company Registration Process

As a tax advisory company, we highly recommend setting up an offshore company in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE. One of the reasons is the easy and streamlined process for company registration. With a supportive regulatory framework and an online platform for registration, businesses can set up their offshore company within a few weeks.

Tax Benefits

Ras Al Khaimah offers several tax benefits for offshore companies, including exemption from corporate tax, income tax, and value-added tax (VAT). This results in significant cost savings, especially for businesses operating in high-tax jurisdictions.

Read as well: https://yourtaxadvice.com/offers/offshore-company-formation-in-the-emirate-of-ras-al-khaimah/

Confidentiality and Privacy Provisions

UAE laws provide confidentiality and privacy provisions, allowing the names of the company directors and shareholders to remain confidential. This provides a level of anonymity and confidentiality for businesses, which can be crucial for some clients.

Free Flow of Funds

Offshore companies in Ras Al Khaimah benefit from the absence of exchange controls, which means that they can transfer funds freely in and out of the country. This is highly advantageous for businesses that conduct international transactions and require a free flow of funds.

Stable and Secure Business Environment

The stable and secure business environment in Ras Al Khaimah is another reason to consider setting up an offshore company in this location. With a strong legal system and supportive regulatory framework, the UAE has signed several international treaties and agreements to promote and protect foreign investment, providing additional assurance to businesses looking to invest in the country.

Access to Skilled and Multilingual Workforce

Another advantage of setting up an offshore company in Ras Al Khaimah is access to a skilled and multilingual workforce. With professionals from different parts of the world working in the country, it is easier for businesses to recruit the talent they need to run their offshore operations.

World-Class Amenities and Facilities

Ras Al Khaimah offers a range of world-class amenities and facilities, including modern office spaces, state-of-the-art communication and IT infrastructure, and access to world-class healthcare and education facilities. These facilities make it an attractive destination for businesses looking to set up their offshore operations in a comfortable and convenient environment.


In conclusion, setting up an offshore company in Ras Al Khaimah is a smart business move due to the favorable business environment, tax benefits, confidentiality provisions, free flow of funds, skilled workforce, and world-class amenities. As a tax advisory company, we can assist clients in navigating the legal requirements, documentation, and fees involved in setting up an offshore company in Ras Al Khaimah, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free process.

Charlie Cory

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